22 September 2009

Off to the hospital…

Got your attention, I’ll bet!

No folks, I’m not in labour just yet. I’ve made a pact with “Bean” that he has to cook for at least another two weeks. Tonight hubby and I are participating in a tour and information night at the hospital where we will be delivering. We will also be signing our pre-registration papers and getting final details in order. Needless to say, things are starting to feel quite real now.

I’m also happy to report that our beautiful glider came in from BRU this week. We just have to coordinate borrowing a truck from my brother to pick it up. Fitting nursery items in our compact little Saturn has been quite the feat – thank God for relatives with trucks! Once the glider is installed, our nursery will officially be complete!

It’s gearing up to be a busy week. Tomorrow is me and hubby’s 3rd wedding anniversary. This will be the first year that we aren’t taking a small escape somewhere. With the purchase of a new home and me feeling like Shamu, we decided to stick around Ottawa this year. We may go out to dinner somewhere fancy but the idea of getting dressed up and making an effort with my appearance is about as appealing as a root canal right now. My idea of “fun” these days involves eating takeout in my underpants sitting in front of the television…no really!

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