08 March 2008

Snow is….fun?!?

It seems inevitable that the winter is going to stick around in Ottawa a little while longer. Rather than complaining and grumbling in my typical fashion, I’ve decided that perhaps it would be better to garner some sort of fun out of this crummy weather. Rather than hiding from the snow, I’ve taken a bold step forward and decided to embrace it. How you ask? Simple…I bought snowshoes!

My hubby and I are fortunate because our house backs onto a little forest, ravine and farmers fields; it’s basically perfect terrain to do some trekking! So rather than our customary weekend of cleaning or watching movies, we decided to grab the camera, get some exercise and enjoy the 30-50 more centimeters coming our way. Here are some photos from today’s adventure:

Yours truly, getting ready with the first of many layers:

Ready to ramble

The snowy ravine

We found a family of ducks, although they were hard to see through the snow

Could we be any more Canadian?

Fancy footwear

Taking a break

Enjoying the view

Hubby…getting a little tired me thinks

Loving the whole snowshoe thing!

Hubby posing on our front lawn. Yes that is the top of our tree!

Looking down my street

Pretty much parallel to the second story

Yup, just another regular Saturday…on my lawn

For once I feel tall

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Wow! Remember when there was a lot of snow every winter? That's incredible.