That’s right folks, yours truly will soon be hitting Ottawa’s air waves and television sets. I can just see the incredulous stares! Close your mouths folks…I’m nobody important, I did not find a cure for cancer and I’m not running for city council (at least not yet). The only reason I have managed to nab a small speck of the local spotlight is because I will be promoting Ottawa Irish Week and speaking on behalf of the organization that I volunteer for as Chair of Communications.
This should be an interesting turn of events seeing as my day job often has me playing the role of interviewer, but hardly ever the interviewee. Looks like I’ll have to hone in one those old University “Public Speaking 101” skills. Here’s hoping that I’ll muster to pull off something not resembling a robot or Neanderthal.
Not much time to go into the specifics right now, but be sure to watch Rogers Daytime on March 10th (Channel 22) where I’ll be “cooking” up some surprises (hint intended) and tune in to 580 CFRA on the morning of March 13th for my interview with Shelley McLean.
Wish me luck folks. If I go into hiding for a few months and return to blogging as the “bleak brunette” you’ll know why. Sure I may never be famous, but I certainly can say that I live an interesting life.
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