Perhaps I’ve gone soft because our last few winters were relatively calm, but this year seems to be the worst that I can recall. In December Ottawa was slammed with countless snow storms, yielding more snow in a single month than we typically get in an entire season. Shoveling the dive quickly became an issue, as we started running out of places to put the snow. We could only build the mountain upwards…not an easy feat when you’re 5’2” tall and the snow banks are easily double your height.
January and February proved to be equally miserable with more dumpings of snow, accompanied by deep-freeze weather that chills you to the bones. Can you tell I’m not a fan of winter?
I originally had high hopes for the month of March. With the start of Spring only 19 days away, it only seems fair that we should start to see some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. I guess I’ll have to keep waiting because it snowed again on the weekend and this morning I woke to the lovely sound of freezing rain...yuck! Looks like the February 2nd prediction of Punxsutawney Phil outweighed that of his Canadian contender, Wiarton Willie…damn confusing rodents!

I guess I’ll just have to wait it out like the rest of my fellow Ottawans and continue to participate in that age-old Canadian pastime, whining about the weather and dreaming of better days to come.
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