Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
My sincerest apologies for the lapse in blog postings; I was spirited away by a wee Leprechaun and led on a merry chase for the past week. Okay…so maybe that’s a bit of the infamous Irish blarney. I’ve actually be swamped doing media and promotions work for the city’s Irish Festival (March 10-17).
While I gladly passed off my cooking spot on T.V. this year, I have been busy promoting festival activities in local newspapers and on the radio. I actually did a 10-15 minute interview on CBC Radio Canada, as I am pretty much the only person in the Society that can speak French. It’s very hard to shift gears and start thinking en français when you’re out at an Irish event, let me tell you! Overall though, I think I did alright and managed to come off as half-way intelligible. I guess it’s just another feather to add to my cap.
I was also pleased to see local television stations showing up at our events and filming the parade. There seemed to be a bigger and better buzz this year and, here’s where I toot my own horn, it certainly is a testament to the countless hours I spent preparing media advisories and releases. Everyone who worked on this festival should be commended for their efforts. The fact that we are able to host an event of this magnitude each year, really says something about the wonderful community spirit we have here in Ottawa.
This will be my final year with the Society. My two-year tenure is up and I have decided to pass the torch along to someone new. On top of working full-time, it was simply getting to be too much to handle. That being said, I certainly will never regret my volunteer work. I have learnt so much in the past two years and I’m glad I had the opportunity to help others with my communications experience, not to mention expanding my own skills set in the process.
The only drawback about all this…
I’m too darn tired to go out an celebrate St. Patrick’s Day today! It’s dinner, a walk and early to bed for this tired Irish Cailin!
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