I’m happy to report that we had a good deal of children visit the house this year. We weren’t run off our feet, but there seemed to be a decent steady stream. The kids were very appreciative of all the hard work we put into decorating and they certainly weren’t afraid to tell us either. I can’t even begin to describe how happy it makes me feel when we give the kids a scream or a laugh – we’re giving them a good memory and that’s what it’s all about. Sadly, despite the large number of young families in my neighbourhood, only a handful of houses were decorated or handing out candy. Things are so different now from when I was a kid. I sometimes feel like the children of this generation don’t get to have as much fun. Parents are too tired and overworked nowadays and I truly believe that people put less time and effort into all the fun little details and activities that I got to enjoy as a kid. No matter my age, career or demands, I hope that I’ll never lose that spirit!
After we closed up shop around 8:00 pm, hubby and I enjoyed the rest of our evening at a Halloween party with friends. It was a great time and all the more enjoyable because the hosts announced that they’re expecting their first child! They dressed as the main characters from Juno – a movie / comedy about teen pregnancy - it was such a clever and original way to reveal the big news. It looks like hubby and I are going to have to start hosting ‘kids’ parties in the near future. We’re one of the few remaining couples in our immediate group of friends that aren’t expecting or parents yet. No complaints here though, I’m thrilled for our friends and I’m learning lots from them before my own time comes! Don’t hold your breath folks; I still have to conquer Europe before hubs and I start producing our own little hobgoblins.
So there you have it – Halloween 2008! Tons of decorations, countless hours in the kitchen, two parties and a busy night of haunting. I’m ready to hang up my broom and hat for a much-needed rest. Only 29 days until the Christmas decorations make their appearance… not that I’m anxiously counting or anything.
And now, as promised, here are some pictures of our haunted house. You truly have to see it in person to get the full creepy effect. Sadly, none of my smoke maching pictures turned out...
This is what greeted kids on the front porch
(+ lots of billowing smoke)
(+ lots of billowing smoke)
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