Yesterday evening I received quite the pleasant surprise when my father called to tell me that one of my editorials was published in the local newspaper, the Ottawa Citizen. I had submitted my blog post about low Canandian votership in our recent federal election, on the off chance that someone may find it compelling enough to print. I didn’t have my hopes up (they receive tons of opinion letters each day), so needless to say I was quite surprised to find out that my little article made it into the paper. It’s a neat feeling. I’ve never actually published any of my work in the newspaper before. I’ve given interviews to journalists and had quotes published in a few articles, but I’ve never actually seen one of my own compositions in print. It feels a little revealing - like leaving your emotions and opinions open for the world to see and critique. However, above all else, it feels empowering. I write for the pure joy of self expression (and stress relief) but it’s nice to know that my words can also have an impact.
If you subscribe to the Ottawa Citizen, be sure to check out yesterday’s editorials and opinions page (Section A, October 17th), The Right to Gripe. The article is also available through the Citizen online for a limited time (click on above title for direct link).
As always thanks for reading!
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