The story is written in first-person narrative by Paul West, a 27 year-old Brit who moves to Paris on a one-year contract to establish a chain of English tearooms for a French entrepreneur. Sounds simple right? Wrong! The novel highlights the turbulent and often humorous ups and downs of settling into life in Paris, dealing with a devious, Lagerfeld-clad boss, his sex-crazed daughter, a motley crew of English-bashing coworkers, the plethora of inexplicable strikes in Paris, and, not surprisingly, a flurry of problems in love….c’est la ville d’amour, n’est-ce pas?
I could go into graphic detail about the adventures of Paul West, but that would be ruining the story. Let’s just say that his love-hate relationship with la ville de lumière and French culture have left me, on several occasions, snorting out loud in laughter, earning me a healthy dose of raised eyebrows of the bus. You can’t help but laugh and blot at your teary eyes after reading his acute and colourful descriptions Parisians, at his string of back luck and generally the pile of ‘merde” that often finds himself in both literally and figuratively. In the words of the author…
"There are lots of French people who are not at all hypocritical, inefficient, treacherous, intolerant, adulterous or incredibly sexy … They just didn't make it into [this] book." - Paul West (Stephen Clarke)
Rating…A +++ Go out and buy yourself a copy! I have since read his sequel, "Merde Actually” and am now preparing to devour the third installment, “Merde Happens”. Also be sure to check out, “Talk to the Snail: Ten Commandments for Understanding the French,” what I’m sure will become an invaluable guide as I prepare for my own French adventure next spring.
Rating…A +++ Go out and buy yourself a copy! I have since read his sequel, "Merde Actually” and am now preparing to devour the third installment, “Merde Happens”. Also be sure to check out, “Talk to the Snail: Ten Commandments for Understanding the French,” what I’m sure will become an invaluable guide as I prepare for my own French adventure next spring.
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