Last July, mom and I went around town looking for wedding dresses. It seemed that everywhere I went I found something that I liked. Finally, after shop number three, I settled on a beautiful (but way over budget) dress. The funny thing is that I never had that stereotypical, “Oh my God this is the ONE” moment. Granted, the dress is awesome, but so are others that I tried on. For the price we paid for the dress, I better not have buyer’s remorse!
Either way, I’m looking forward to trying on my actual dress (as opposed to the store sample). The only problem now is that I ordered the dress a size larger in case I would gain weight over a year. Turns out I’m a bit slimmer. My seamstress has got her work cut out for her, and I better get ready of empty out my pockets!
$$$ aside, it will be fun to try everything on together for the first time. Now if only I can keep mom from crying….
Speaking of crying, I found a website that features some of the most hiddeous wedding and bridesmaids dresses in all creation. Tears of laughter or pitty?…you decide.... http://www.uglydress.com
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