13 April 2006


Easter is on its way, and you know what that means...chocolate!
I'm a little too old for the Easter egg hunt now, but that still won't stop be from indulging in my guilty pleasure. The plan is to go out and find me a ginormous white chocolate bunny and chow down! To hell with fitting into a wedding dress, I've earned this treat.

Perhaps PMS has a small part to play in my sudden hunger for chocolate. Sadly, I know what will end up happening this weekend. I'll sit on the couch, teary eyed, with chocolate stains around my mouth thinking about how bad I am for eating too much and consequently feeling fat. I'll then turn desperately to FH and ask him, "Am I still attractive?" At which point he'll roll his eyes.

Yes, I admit it. I sometimes turn into an absolute banshee during that time of the month - a sure test of pateince for any future husband! I imagine it would be like living with people stuck in one body - the sweet / emotional one, and the one that wants to scratch your eyes out. Nice eh?

1 comment:

leslie @ definitely not martha said...

PMS is EVIL. Here I sit, anxiously awaiting the arrival of my delicious yummy pizza (accompanied with equally delicious wings....) while my darling hubby is off enjoying the hockey game....

I don't have any chocolate though...