I’m one of those “so-called” lucky people who can’t get by without a bra. Big problem though, I can’t wear one on top of the burn…sheer agony! Once again, my craftiness came in handy and I managed to rig a pretty ghetto solution. I doused a paper towel with Solarcaine, smoothed it out over the burnt strip on my back, and got mom to put my bra on over it. Moms are wonderful in these strange situations – it’s part of the special mother-daughter bond. So far everything seems to work. The bra is holding the paper towel in place and the cream is seeping into my skin. Feels good for the time being, but we’ll see what happens when the paper dries out. I haven’t thought that far ahead….

Speaking of work, back to it! Can’t wait to slather myself in more Solarcaine at lunch!
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