11 December 2009

Tis’ the season...

Last evening hubby and I reentered the social scene by attending our first holiday party at a friend’s house. Because it was on a work night, neither of our parents could babysit Drew. Rather than missing the fun, we decided to take him with us to “introduce” to folks and then put down to bed in his bassinet. Sadly, Drew had another idea…

After a brief introduction to our screaming baby, who evidently is “not” always soothed into a sleepy state of submission by car rides, hubby whisked Drew off to a quiet room in the basement for a feeding and some shut-eye. Two hours and three attempts later, the little guy still did not want to miss out on the action and kept waking up crying. It turns out that the poor little fellow spat up considerable and was lying in his own mess – a new talent which he, of course, decided to test out while we were away from home. We gave up on all attempts of holiday merrymaking at 9:30 PM, packed up our gear and bade our farewells. Guess what Drew did in the car all the way home…SLEPT!

Lesson of the day = Drew does not do well with too much stimulus; he gets too keyed up by everything.

Looks like we’ll have to find a sitter for him on New Year’s Eve. Are you reading this Mom and Dad? Ahemmm…

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